
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

Taylor Diversion Programs


Island Academy


Investing in Our Youth’s Future 

The Taylor Diversion Lighthouse Island Academy in Tionesta, PA, is designed to assist youth in grades 9-12, who struggle with school attendance, who have been identified as at-risk, and/or those who are in need of assistance to be successful in school and life. Utilizing nature as the learning laboratory, certified PA teachers and mentors seek to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of enrolled youth by providing a blended curriculum of place-based education and competency development.

Youth referred to our Lighthouse Island Academy are provided a learning experience that is customized to meet individual needs. Additionally, our teachers and mentors are prepared to offer supervision and tutoring to youth enrolled in cyber-school.

Prevention is Better

Than Cure

The goal of our Lighthouse Island Academy is to provide local school districts and county agencies with a viable “preventative” alternative to reduce and eliminate behaviors of concern with 9-12 youth. To this end, youth enrolled in the Lighthouse Island Academy are offered support in areas such as:

  • overcoming barriers to a more successful educational/home life experience
  • individual, group, and family counseling
  • community service projects and restitution programs
  • vocational, recreational and health/wellness venues

We utilize a cognitive approach to address the following:

  • obesity and other health-related concerns
  • school concerns
  • defiance issues
  • bullying
  • social isolation and withdrawal
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • drug and alcohol prevention/education
  • depression and anxiety

“A good river is nature’s life work in song.”

Mark Helprin, Frederick and Fredericka

After Completing The Day Treatment Program

Youth who participate will have several options at the conclusion of the program. Some are able to resume full-time attendance at their local school, often with supplemental counseling and supportive services. Youth who are truant or have dropped out may find that this alternative assists in getting them re-enrolled and the ability to graduate with their peer group. For those who qualify, there may be multiple opportunities to return to the program and participate as mentors for new youth. Incentives and opportunities to take part in industry recognized certificate programs and job readiness preparatory programs are available. Select youth are offered jobs within the local community. As an incentive, following discharge from the program, youth have an opportunity to attend a free week of summer camp providing they are meeting their aftercare goals.

In addition to providing safe, short-term programming, TDP guides youth in:

  • making responsible decisions regarding future needs and appropriate peer relationships
  • increasing self-confidence, self-discipline and dignity
  • promoting responsible consistent behaviors and attitudes
  • returning to their home school environment in the shortest period of time
  • strengthening career
  • exploration/vocational/educational skill sets


Hear From TDP Owners & Students

We provide opportunities to address some of the identified issues through experiential and expressive therapies, such as recreation, art, music, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Youth meet individually with teachers/mentors to develop an individualized treatment plan. Our treatment team includes practitioners from the fields of psychiatry, social work, psychology, family therapy, nursing, and education. TDP also offers a variety of recreational and instructional after school and weekend programs such as archery, fly fishing, sewing, and computer applications.

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